Tuesday 21 January 2014

Adobe Illustrator CS6 Tips and Shortcuts

Use piece of paper and pen. Make a drawing. Then use camera or scanner to make a copy to a computer.
Before use pen tool, click on direct selection tool. Why? Because when you are drawing your paths, click and hold “ctrl” you can transform to “direct selection tool” and make and edit anchor points.
Hold down “Alt“ key when you are about to finish drawing the path, to close the path.
“Rectangle Tool” – special keyboards: up, down, ~ , alt and ctrl.
Diference between process color and spot color among other are global checkbox.
Esc = Turn off current tool type and tranfer to selection tool.
Hold Ctrl to chenge cursor from selection to direct selection tool
  • Use Windows shortcuts:
  1. Ctrl = Z = Undo
  2. Ctrl + Shift + Z = Redo
  3. Ctrl + a = Select All
  4. Ctrl + c = Copy
  5. Ctrl + x = Cut
  6. Ctrl + v = Paste
  7. Ctrl + f = Paste in Front
  8. Ctrl + b = Paste Behind
  9. Ctrl + n = New Document
  • Rulers, Grid and Guides:
  1. Ctrl + R = Rulers (show)
  2. Ctrl + “ = Grid (show)
  • Drawing:
  1. Shift + Drawing = Perfect circle and square
  2. Space + Drawing = Make Position for Object
  3. x = Toggle (Change) Fill/Stroke
  4. Shift + x = Swap (Replace) Fill/Stroke
  5. , = Color
  6. . = Gradient
  7. / = None
  8. Alt + Drag = Duplicate
  9. Alt + Shift + Drag = Duplicate in the same level
  10. Ctrl + d = Duplicate (in the next level)
  11. Ctrl + g = Group
  12. Ctrl + Ctrl +G = Ungroup
  13. Ctrl + 2 = Lock selected objects
  14. Ctrl + Alt + 2 = Unlock all objects
  • Fonts and some useful shortcuts and tricks:
  1. Ctrl + Shift + >< = Increase/decrease font size
  2. Alt + Up or Down = Increase/decrease leading
  3. Alt + Left or Right = Increase/decrease kerning or tracking
  4. Ctrl + Alt + Q = Reset kerning/tracking to zero
  5. Tab = Show/Hide All Palettes
  6. Ctrl + Tab = Change (Next) Document in tabs
  7. Ctrl + W = Close Document
  8. Ctrl + 0 = Window Zoom (Fit on screen)
  9. Ctrl + 1 = 100% Zoom
  10. Alt + Zoom = Zoom Out
  11. Ctrl + Space = Zoom In
  12. Ctrl + Alt + Space = Zoom Out
  13. Ctrl + + = Zoom in
  14. Ctrl + – = Zoom Out
  15. Ctrl + Click = To select object behind
  16. Shift + Ctrl + ] = Send Element to Front
  17. Shift + Ctrl + ] = Send Element to Back

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